Omaha CSO

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Papillion Creek North (PCN) 210 Sewer Separation Project

The Papillion Creek North 210 Sewer Separation Project includes the construction of a combination of new sanitary sewer and new storm sewer to provide complete separation to the area.

In 2002 a combined sewer renovation project (RNCL 5788A) was completed in the area of 61st and Lake Street, which provided partial separation for the Papillion Creek North Basin. The PCN 210 Sewer Separation project includes construction of additional new sanitary sewer and new storm sewer which will complete the sewer separation for this basin. This project will ultimately result in reduced risk of sewer backups into area homes and reductions in combined sewer overflow volume into Papillion Creek.

Additional Resources

factsheet.png   Project Factsheet


Diversion structure modifications and pavement work underway.

Contact Information

City of Omaha
Public Works Department
Christine Driscoll

Bob Veenstra
Veenstra & Kimm, Inc.

Public Facilitator
John Royster
Big Muddy Workshop, Inc.

Roloff Construction Co. Inc.
(402) 861-1721

Project References

Project Number: OPW 53320

LTCP Project Name: Papillion Creek North 210-1, Sewer Separation