Omaha CSO

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42nd Street & X Street Sewer Separation Project

42nd Street & X Street Sewer Separation Project

The purpose of the 42nd Street & X Street Sewer Separation Project was to separate combined sewer (sanitary and stormwater) flow in a portion of the Papillion South Basin to reduce overall flow to the combined sewer system. In addition, it eliminates CSO 209 located near 44th and Harrison Streets. Existing combined sewers were rehabilitated and converted to dedicated sanitary sewers, and over 3,800 feet of storm sewer up to 60 inches in diameter was constructed to convey the stormwater. A new outfall storm sewer was constructed from the 42nd and X Street intersection west to Blood Creek at approximately 47th Street.

Construction of this Project improves water quality in the Missouri River by decreasing the overall combined sewer system flow and eliminating CSO 209.

Project Map: 42nd Street & X Street Sewer Separation Project

factsheet.png   Project Factsheet

Completed Date

Q4 2010

Cost at Completion


Contact Information

City of Omaha

Roloff Construction Co., Inc.

Project References

Project Number: OPW 50986

LTCP Project Name: 42nd Street and X Street Sewer Separation