Omaha CSO

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Cole Creek CSO 204 Area - Phase 3 Combined Sewer Separation (Taylor to Ruggles Between 56th & 61st)

The Cole Creek CSO 204 Area – Phase 3 Combined Sewer Separation Project is phase three of approximately four phases of work planned within the Cole Creek 204 basin that will convert the existing combined sewers to separated sewers. It will ultimately result in reduced sewer backups into area homes and reductions in combined sewer overflow volume and flow rate in Cole Creek.

It is bordered on the north by Brown Street, on the east by 52nd Street, on the south by Northwest Radial Highway, and on the west by Cole Creek.

The Phase 3 Project includes a new sanitary sewer in Taylor Street, Sahler Street, Sprague Street, North 56th Street, and Ruggles Street. The sanitary sewer will connect to a separated downstream sanitary sewer. This project is completed.

Additional Resources

factsheet.png   Project Factsheet

completed date

Q2 2022

Cost at Completion


Contact Information

City of Omaha
Public Works Department
D Anselme Nassa

Design Consultant
George Butler and Associates
Kurt Hassler

Public Facilitator
Emspace + Lovgren
Brian Kaminski

Project References

Project Number: OPW 53206

LTCP Project Name: Cole Creek CSO 204 Phase 3