In addition to pumping flow from the old Leavenworth Lift Station, the new Leavenworth Lift Station handles flows diverted from the Pierce Street and Hickory Street Basins, and the Pierce Street Lift Station and Hickory Street Lift Stations will be decommissioned as a result. The lift station is located south of the Union Pacific Railroad Bridge that crosses the Missouri River at approximately 4th Street and Pierce Street.
The purpose of this Project was to divert the Leavenworth Outfall Sewer dry weather sanitary flow, and some wet weather combined flow, around the Leavenworth Lift Station Diversion Structure No. 1. This eliminated the risk of water from the Missouri River entering the lift station from Diversion Structure No. 1 over extended periods. The project involved excavation of bore shafts, shoring and bracing, trenchless sewer installation, construction of a cast in place structure, construction of sewer pipe and a manhole, installation of a modulating sluice gate, and all related controls and appurtenances for the work.
City of Omaha
Hawkins Construction
Project Number: OPW 52199 Leavenworth Lift Station Contract 1 – Site Preparation
Project Number: OPW 51874 Leavenworth Lift Station Contract 2 – Lift Station
Project Number: OPW 52783 Leavenworth Lift Station Contract 3 – Flood Mitigation
LTCP Project Name: Leavenworth Lift Station Replacement Project