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Nicholas Street Phase 2 to 23rd & Grace Sewer Separation

Nicholas Street Phase 2 to 23rd & Grace Sewer Separation Project

In the Nicholas Street Phase 1 (10th Street to 16th Street) Project, storm and sanitary sewers were extended to provide additional sewer capacity north and west of Omaha’s Convention Center and Arena, north of Nicholas Street, and to provide sewer separation for the area north from Nicholas Street on 11th Street to Clark Street.

Specifically, three, nine (9) foot diameter storm sewers and one (1), 24 inch diameter sanitary sewer were extended west from Abbott Drive at approximately 10th Street to 16th Street, following an alignment approximately one-half-block north of Nicholas Street.

The Nicholas Street Phase 2 to 23rd and Grace Sewer Separation Project included the extension of one of these nine (9) foot diameter storm sewers from 16th and Nicholas Streets to 16th and Clark Streets and the extension of the 24-inch sanitary sewer from 16th and Nicholas Streets to 23rd and Grace Street. The existing 23rd and Grace Street Lift Station was then abandoned. Phase 2 also included local sewer separation in the 20th and Charles Streets area.

Project Map: Nicholas Street Phase 2 to 23rd & Grace Sewer Separation Project

factsheet.png   Project Factsheet

Completed Date

Q4 2016

Cost at Completion

$18.4 million

Contact Information

City of Omaha

Super Excavators

Project References

Project Number: OPW 52297

LTCP Project Name: Nicholas Street Phase 2 (to 23rd and Grace)