Omaha CSO

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CSO 204 Phase 4a – 57th Street & Pratt Street; and Phase 4b – 56th Street & Bedford Avenue

The Cole Creek 204 Sewer Separation Project*is a multi-phase project located in a 522 acre basin referred to as Cole Creek CSO 204. It is bordered on the north by Brown Street, on the east by 52nd Street, on the south by Northwest Radial Highway, and on the west by Cole Creek.

Phase 4 is located on the southeast portion of the Cole Creek CSO 204 basin. The downstream portion of the CSO 204 Phase 4 Project will discharge (connect) to the Cole Creek CSO 204 Area, Phase 3 Combined Sewer Separation (Taylor to Ruggles between 56th and 61st) Project facilities that will be completed in 2022.

Project Benefits

This project will convert the existing combined sewers within the project limits to either storm or sanitary sewer. Additionally, new separate sanitary or storm sewers will be constructed to provide a separated sewer system within the project limits. This will ultimately result in reduced sewer backups into area homes and reductions in combined sewer overflow volume and flow rate to Cole Creek, improving its water quality.

Additional benefits of the CSO 204 Phase 4 Project include:

  • Rehabilitation of sewer, manhole and storm inlet pipes within the CSO 204 Phase 4 limits identified by the Project Team
  • Stormwater flows to the Papillion Creek Interceptor system will be reduced from the CSO 204 area, resulting in additional capacity in the interceptor for sanitary flows
  • New streets will be constructed or an asphalt overlay will be placed following construction
  • New ADA-compliant ramps will be installed at intersections impacted by construction
  • Sidewalks will be replaced within the limits of construction

Additional Resources

factsheet.png   Project Factsheet


Preliminary design is in progress; 30% design documents were received Q1 2023.

Contact Information

City of Omaha
Public Works Department
Project Manager: Max Kiemde

Carollo Engineers
Weston Engel

Public Facilitator
Felsburg, Holt & Ullevig
Dave Lampe

Project References

Project Number:  OPW 53820

LTCP Project Name:  CSO 204 Phase 4a – 57th Street and Pratt Street; CSO 204 Phase 4b – 56th Street and Bedford Avenue