The John Creighton Boulevard (JCB) Stormwater Conveyance Sewer Project is part of the City of Omaha’s Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Long Term Control Plan (LTCP). The Project consists of sewer separation and wetlands designed to reduce CSO volumes, sewer backups, improve water quality, and provide a neighborhood amenity. The sewer separation project area encompasses the JCB and Miami subareas and consists of 273 acres of predominantly residential property generally bounded by Hamilton Street on the south, Maple Street on the north, 33rd Street on the east and 38th Street on the west. The existing combined sewer was converted into a sanitary sewer that provides sewer separation for the sub-basin. Approximately 27,000 linear feet of storm sewer was constructed in the sewer separation project and consisted of pipes as large as 84 inches in diameter to as small as 6 inches in diameter. The new storm sewers drains into a new wetland area in Adams Park.
The Adams Park wetlands and detention area is designed to provide the maximum practical stormwater storage to reduce the total peak volume of storm water conveyed to the down stream sewer system. The wetlands consist of an area covering approximately 14 acres, separated by the park road. A low dam with emergency spillway was constructed on the north side of the park, near Bedford Avenue, to provide detention volume of up to approximately 77 acre-feet, which will detain the 100-year storm event. The wetland facility is designed to provide water quality benefits and beautification elements.
Modifications to Adams Park were part of the John Creighton Boulevard and Adams Park CSO Project. The green infrastructure in Adams Park was a result of the Adams Park Master Plan, which was an outgrowth of the North Omaha Villages Revitalization Plan. This plan called for a renewed focus on Adams Park and other areas in the community as a catalyst for urban growth and revitalization. As part of the master plan, the Adams Park wetlands and detention area was designed to provide maximum practical stormwater storage, in conjunction with the Omaha CSO Program. The wetland facility was designed to provide water quality benefits and beautification elements to the park. In addition, the project allows for a more effective use of existing downstream facilities and reduced costs.
Project Number: OPW 52165
LTCP Project Name: John Creighton Boulevard (JCB) and Miami Street Phase 1 Sewer Separation
Project Number: OPW 52390
LTCP Project Name: John Creighton Boulevard (JCB) and Miami Street Phase 2 Sewer Separation
Project Number: 52390A
LTCP Project Name: Minne Lusa 105-1; JCB and Miami Phase 1 and 2 (OPW52165)