Omaha CSO

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Monroe Street Lift Station Improvements Project

Monroe Street Lift Station Improvements

The existing Monroe Street Lift Station was constructed in the 1960s as part of the South Interceptor Sewer Project. With three wet-weather pumps in service, the lift station has the capability to deliver up to 60 million gallons per day (MGD) but is currently limited to approximately 40 MGD based on the condition of the existing pumping equipment. The diversion structure, screens, and the lift station were designed to pump into the Missouri River Water Resource Recovery Facility (MRWRRF) via one 42-inch force main.

Construction efforts for the Monroe Street Lift Station Improvements Project include upgrading the diversion structure and lift station to reliably convey 60-65 MGD to the MRWWRF during wet weather events. Upgrades include refurbishing or replacing all equipment in the lift station, updating the facility to meet current code requirements, improving grit collection and removal, screenings improvements, structural refurbishment, and replacement of the existing pumps and motors. Real-time-controls and gate replacements will occur in the diversion structure to maximize conveyance of flows to the newly expanded MRWRRF headworks for treatment wet weather flows while reducing the number of CSO discharges at CSO 119.

The main benefits of this project will be a reduction of combined sewage discharged to the Missouri River and maximization of flows to the new MRWRRF headworks for treatment (up to 150 MGD) during wet weather events. Additional benefits will include a fully upgraded and reliable lift station which will reduce maintenance and operations efforts by City staff.

Additional Resources

factsheet.png   Project Factsheet


Performing relining and repair of lift station influent sewers.

Contact Information

City of Omaha
Josh Dodson
402-444-3915, Ext. 1141

Consultant / Contractor
CDM Smith
Michael Odrowski, PE, PMP

Public Facilitator
Emspace + Lovgren
Brian Kaminski

Project References

Project Number: OPW 53082

LTCP Project Name: Monroe Street Lift Station Improvements