Omaha CSO

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Burt-Izard Lift Station Improvements

The existing Burt-Izard Lift Station was originally constructed in the 1960s and initially had a capacity to pump 50 million gallons per day during wet weather events. However, because of significant grit loadings to the facility, the condition of the old South Interceptor Force Main, and the historical lack of treatment capacity at the Missouri River Water Resource Recovery Facility (MRWRRF), for decades this facility has only operated at 25 million gallons per day during wet weather events.

Construction efforts for the Burt-Izard Lift Station Improvements Project included upgrades to the grit building and overall grit handling capacity, bar screen room and lift station. The improvements required upgrades to the electrical, structural, architectural, instrumentation, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and process elements of the facility to meet new code requirements and for operations and maintenance of the upgraded facility. The improved facility restored the firm capacity of the facility to pump 50 million gallons per day into the new South Interceptor Force Main for subsequent treatment at the expanded and upgraded MRWRRF. This project is completed.

Additional Resources

Project Map: Burt-Izard Lift Station Improvements

factsheet.png   Project Factsheet

roadconditions.png   Road Conditions


Q1 2022

cost at Completion

$16.1 million

Contact Information

City of Omaha
Jake Hansen

Project References

Project Number:  OPW 52472

LTCP Project Name:  Burt-Izard Lift Station